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Client Stories: Chloe and the Wings for Life Challenge

When we recently found out that one of our clients was taking part in the Wings for Life World Run; a 48KM virtual challenge where people from all over the world take part in virtual race against a 'car catcher' to raise funds for spinal research. Whilst this may seem easy to some and more challenging to others, its both a physical and mental challenge for Chloe and one steeped in drive, determination and inspiration.

Here's Chloe's story, shared by her case manager Helen Caple...

Chloe is a 25 year old young lady who was involved in an RTA in May 2017. Initially in A& E she was experiencing neck pain, upper and lower back pain, shoulder, hip and pelvic pain. In addition she had a possible wrist fracture too.  Chloe developed symptoms of concussion over the following 24 hours, alongside ringing in her right ear and headaches. To this day she is still unable to remember events immediately following the accident.

Over the next six months Chloe started to struggle to lift her leg properly. This then developed into nerve pain up and down her leg, changes in foot colour and reduced mobility. Scans revealed that Chloe had two disc protrusions at L4/5 and L5/S1. She had a microdiscectomy and decompression to L4/5 in February 2018. In January 2019 a further scan showed two disc protrusions at L4/5 and L5/S1. Chloe had a nerve block injection to try and help with her pain at this time but reported it didn’t really help. She is in constant pain every day to varying degrees but remains happy and positive in her outlook which is fantastic.

I became involved with Chloe in April 2020 as her case manager. Since I started I have liaised with her medical team, had her assessed by an OT, arranged neurophysiotherapy and she is shortly due to be assessed by a private orthotist. It is hoped that the combination of therapists working alongside Chloe’s outstanding motivational approach will all help in reducing her pain levels and regaining her passion for walking.

With her rehabilitation ongoing, Chloe is not sitting still and the challenge is testament to her strength and courage. We're supporting Chloe in her inspirational challenge and if you'd like to donate too you can do so at: Wings for Life World Run